Smiley helps with gardening


Smiley wanted to help plant some flowers. We got out all of our equipment...

and put in some new flowers...

even Cookie tried to help but she found it exhausting...

 so did Smiley...

Alfie's Memorial Day 2011


Alfie decided he'd like to go for a walk on the beach on Memorial Day so we loaded his stroller in the car and headed to Manhattan Beach.  It was a little chilly so he needed his sweater and his favorite blanket.

We started out with a walk on the strand and then hit the sand! It was probably the first time he's been in the sand!

Then we stopped for a coffee

Checked out some of the cute beach cottages
On the way back we checked out some waves

Stopped for a photo op in front of the pier

 Checked out some flowers

 and sniffed someones yard

By then he was tired and needed the stroller

 and headed back to the car
and slept all the way home

He had a wonderful day!

Promenade d'amour" & Adoption Soiree


 Last weekend, Alfie and i participated in Best Friends Walk of Love.  The event was designed to draw attention to the trend of pet stores converting to a more humane model of offering rescued dogs for adoption instead of puppies for sale from puppy mills.  Here's Alfie in the car with his Valentines sweater on ready to go!
 But before the event, we met Lori and Bluebell at Starbucks.  Bluebell had her fancy dress on.
 Lori and Bluebell.
 We started our walk at Pets R Us who sell puppies from mills. 
 we had a pretty good crowd!
 Alfie in his stroller ready to go!
 Some of the cute houses along the way.

 We ended our walk at a store called Pet Rush who offers rescued dogs for adoption.
 Alfie was excited to meet every one and see who had the treats!
 Alfie shopping in Pet Rush looking at food and treats.
 He sees something he likes!

 Bluebell bought a pretty new dress and got a ride in the stroller.
 She loved it!  We had a fun afternoon.

Cookie and Whitney Waiting for Santa


From the Casa . . .

Christmas'09 at THE CASA!


From the Casa . . .

Christmas '09 at THE CASA!

Ted is Worried He Wasn't a Good Boy . . .


From the Casa . . .

Cookie and Whitney Waiting for Santa 2


From the Casa . . .